Prototypical scenarios and visualizations for the brand strategy 2021 of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts' Strategy 2021 envisions the consolidation of all educational offerings under a common, monolithic brand umbrella. In the future, a central, efficiently managed brand communication will ensure that the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts brand is perceived consistently across all departments and institutions. The biggest challenge on the way to this future is the conflict of the monolithic brand approach with the communication needs of the respective subbrands. The central question is: How can the educational offerings benefit from the strong brand "Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts" and at the same time communicate in a way that is appropriate for the target group without weakening the umbrella brand?
Furthermore, prototypical design scenarios were developed. How close or how far will the new appearance be oriented to the existing one?
Brand strategy consulting
Sketching of a schematic customer journey and visualizations of scenarios of the One-Brand-Strategy 2021
Offering structure and scenarios for communicating different educational offerings.
Development of ideas and rough design approaches for the appearance 2021